Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Christ's Law Prevails and not the Mosaic Law - Bro. Eli

Bro. Eli Soriano (on the screen) taking his turn to defend his stand, while Pastor Elmer Albuera (in blue polo) waiting for his.

By Jeffrey Eugenio

Which law should be followed now, the Mosaic Law or the Law of Christ? These and other issues including tithing, observation of Sabbath, doctrine about foods and cleansing as well as the covenant of circumcision, church’ name and different kinds of commandments were among those tackled in a debate between Bro. Eli Soriano and Elmer Albuera on June 10, 2011, 4pm PHT.

Bro. Eli is the Presiding Minister to the Members: Church of God International (MCGI) while Albuera is a pastor of Remnant Israel Yahweh’s Assembly in Yeshuah Messiah (RIYAIYM).

The debaters were at distant continents, but the clash was bridged by satellite connections where Bro. Eli was in South America, and Albuera was in 331 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo, Manila, Philippines.

Albuera proposed in the Oregon-type of debate that “the commandments of God, from Old to New Testament, never change”, in which Bro. Eli was on the negative side. Albuera believes that the Law of Moses was never altered, is still in effect even in the Christian dispensation, and can make a man perfect and justified.

“God never changes as well as His commandments. God promised that He will neither break His covenant, nor alter every word gone out of His lips. The commandments from Adam, to our present generation, and unto the heaven are still the same,” said Albuera in Tagalog.

Albuera explained that though Adam was commanded by God to offer lambs, there is consideration to poor people; they are not obliged to offer livestock for they cannot afford it according to him.

“What only happened was that the commandments were remodeled; meaning, from tablets of stones, they were transferred to people’s heart and mind; but the contents are still the same,” added Albuera.

In his turn to refute, Bro. Eli disposed off the sweeping generalization Albuera used. Bro. Eli agreed first that God neither broke His covenant, nor altered every word gone out of His lips, but it is particular only to people whom God had promised. He pointed out that the covenant was effective upon a generation whom it was legislated and that time element should be considered.

“It is true that God never broke His covenant, like for example His covenant of circumcision to Abraham. He never altered it, not until the Christian dispensation,” said Bro. Eli. “When it was Christ’s turn to preach, Christ, through Apostle Paul, abrogated the covenant of circumcision. The proof is Titus, one of his ministers, was not forced to be circumcised.”

Bro. Eli also said that Adam was not commanded to offer lambs and that there would never be circumcision in heaven.

Using the Greek Bible, Bro. Eli explained that God has no transmutation, but it doesn’t follow that God’s commandments were not changed – God is different from His commandments, He is not the commandment.

“He (Albuera), himself, is my witness that there was a change in the commandments – according to him, commandments were remodeled,” said Bro. Eli. “Remodeling is different from restoring.”

In his next turn to explain, Albuera attacked Bro. Eli questioning the latter’s authority to preach. “Will you believe a Filipino preacher? The authority of a preacher must come from Jerusalem, if someone teaches you the Bible but he is a Filipino, do not believe him,” Albuera said. Albuera also inserted his notion that Paul and Jesus Christ do not agree with each other.

Bro. Eli countered Albuera saying Christ and Paul never contradicted each other – they’re in total agreement. Christ told Paul to write His commandments and He was guiding the apostle. Bro. Eli also said that God promised that He will spring righteousness in all countries, including the Philippines, and not in Israel only. He stated that Jerusalem, even during the time of Paul, was corrupted. The Jerusalem where teachings should come from is the Jerusalem in heaven, not the literal Jerusalem, said Bro. Eli.

Bro. Eli ran down examples of commandments proving that the Law of Moses became old and vanished away when the everlasting covenant took place – the Law of Christ. In the Law of Moses, whosoever murders shall be in danger of the judgment; but in the Law of Christ, whosoever is enraged with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment. The same as the commandment prohibiting adultery, in the Law of Christ, looking at a woman with lust is already adultery.

In the course of the final cross examination, Bro. Eli cornered Albuera and the latter can’t answer directly. Citing the story of the rich young man, Bro. Eli challenged Albuera asking him to admit error if he could read in the Bible about someone who kept all the Law of Moses but yet wasn’t justified. Albuera avoided the question, and at times answered Bro. Eli saying that the rich young man hadn’t kept all Moses’ Law.

The moderator arbitrated and read the verse under discussion – Matthew 19:16-21 – and said the rich young man kept all the Laws of Moses, yet was not justified.

In his final turn to cross-examine Bro. Eli, Albuera used his remaining minutes to explain his side instead of interpolating. Bro. Eli reminded Albuera the rules in interpolating an opponent. Realizing his lapses, Albuera continued asking Bro. Eli saying, “Are you with the Pharisees or with Christ? The Pharisees said Jesus is not of God and accused Him of not observing the Sabbath.”

In response to Albuera’s contention, Bro. Eli replied, “I’m with Christ who didn’t observe the Sabbath. Saying Christ is not of God is an accusation; but Christ not observing the Sabbath is a fact. Authorities like Apostle John wrote that.”

When Albuera had no more questions to ask, he waved his remaining minute before the time ran out. After the exchange of blows, the moderator concluded that Bro. Eli is the winner for he answered properly and accordingly all the questions posed by Albuera. On the other hand, Albuera evaded most of the questions launched by Bro. Eli.

The debate was showed in real time at major ADD Coordinating Centers where satellite receivers are installed.

Last June 7, Tuesday prior to the debate, Albuera went to a Bible Exposition in Navotas City and questioned what Bro. Eli preaches. Bro. Eli then offered his available time to set a debate with Albuera, which was Friday, four o’clock in the morning in Bro. Eli’s location. Albuera arrived at Quiapo, the venue where Albuera was appointed to hook up to Bro. Eli, at 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon, PHT. The moderator and time-keeper were neutral Catholic volunteers among the audience.

The debate was the second time where Bro. Eli, while abroad, debated with a Filipino pastor in his native country. The first was last 2007 when Bro. Eli debated with Pastor William Saraga of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, The Lord of Lords with His Children.

Bro. Eli was awarded by as “The Most Educational to Follow” during the Open Web Awards 2009 and his program is aired daily on UNTV channel. Bible Exposition schedules and venues can be found in the church official website