Thursday, March 31, 2011

MCGI Presiding Minister Gives Biblical Outlook on Natural Disasters

By Cecile Vizcaya

In light of the recent disasters and on-going relief missions in earthquake-struck Japan, Members Church of God International Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano shares enlightening thoughts and biblically-inspired perspectives to what is now seen as a tragic global newsmaker.

While expressing his sympathy and condolences to the Japanese people who were affected by the 8.9 tremor on March 11, Bro. Eli Soriano, Presiding Minister to Members Church of God International also looked at the catastrophe in a different light – one that is biblical in context.

“Natural calamities are sent as God’s reminder, a manifestation of His power and wrath towards those who worship other gods,” he explained during the March-15 Bible Exposition in the Philippines.

Although this seems to have a hostile tone especially for the victims experiencing post-disaster trauma, the Presiding Minister preferred to be frank and biblical in looking at matters concerning natural calamities.

“There really is a reason for God to get angry,’ said Bro. Eli, and added that Japan’s disaster and other disasters before and after it were caused by God’s anger, as stated in Job 9:5-6.

He said, “If we are to examine the religious profiles of the countries which were beaten by these strong earthquakes, like Indonesia in 2004, Haiti in 2010, New Zealand and Japan this year – it all comes to a conclusion: great natural disasters fall upon those who do not acknowledge the God of Israel.” Bro. Soriano connected the religious beliefs and practices of the countries he mentioned to the disasters which came upon them.

As reported by in December 2004, a destructive 9.0 megathrust earthquake hit the Indonesian coast, triggering tsunamis that crashed onto the coastal regions of Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The calamity claimed hundred thousands of lives and destroyed properties, coastal villages, and businesses.

Global news reports, statistics, and video uploads over the Web reveal a high level of religious intolerance and conflicts in Indonesia. Ruthless killings and violence are day-to-day affairs, especially in the Poso District where scythes, guns, and other forms of ammunition are commonplace.

Also, religious diversity and odd forms of worship are a usual sight in the four countries that were tsunami-hit. “They embrace mostly Buddhism and Hinduism. In India, cow and elephant worship are tolerated. The Bible clearly states that idol worship is an abomination unto God,” Bro. Eli emphasized.

“Why should you worship animals, idols, and graven images? asked Bro. Eli to his audience from different parts of the globe connected via the Internet. He explained that idol worship is the reason why God gets as He expressed to His people, the Israelites, thousands of years ago in Deuteronomy 5:8.

“By worshipping Buddha and revering animals, Buddhists and Hinduists are earning for themselves God’s curse,” he added, stressing also that “what is written in Acts 17:29 and Romans 1:25 are being fulfilled in them.”

Like Indonesia, impoverished Haiti was devastated by a magnitude 7 temblor in January 2010, one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the nation in the last two centuries, according to geologists. Many people died because buildings collapsed on them. Investigations by engineers further revealed the crumbled edifices to be defective, used substandard building materials, and did not follow customary building codes.

Haitians practice idol worship, Baha’i Faith, and 50% of the current population practice Vodou (variation voodoo), an old but complex form of heathenism which believes in the existence of primordial spirits and deities, and in some of its offshoots, perform the dark magic arts. Again here, Bro. Eli stressed that idol worship is a big no in the Bible.

In previous Bible Expositions, Bro. Eli explained that those who perform magic arts and consult the dead are abominable to God. This teaching is in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Finally, the latest disasters to have quaked New Zealand and Japan suggest a similar connection between religious convictions and natural disasters. New Zealand, aside from it rests on an active seismic plate, hosts a medley of religions. In a national periodical released in 2008, a study indicated that from 1996-2006 there was a steep rise in the number of people who are either practicing their ethnic religions, such as the Maori sect and its offshoots, or do not practice religion at all.

On February 22, a 7.0 tremor shocked the country, putting New Zealand on the map for humanitarian action. To this, Bro. Daniel Razon, Vice Presiding Minister to MCGI, commented that “He shakes the earth because of his anger, a way of saying we need to remember, ignore not His might, His power and counsel.”

The world is quite familiar with the earthquake-prone location of Japan, as it lies, like New Zealand, on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Earthquakes are frequent visitors, but most tremors are ignored until the one which thumped Japan on March 11. Linking its religious systems, research data tells of Japan as the second in 20 states in the world having the largest number of atheists and agnostics. Figures account for 2/3 of the population or roughly 82 million Japanese who do not believe or doubt the existence of God. Bro. Eli Soriano furthermore observed that the “Japanese are more inclined to material gain; they do not have interest for spiritual matters. Those who profess they worship God do not worship Him at all. They believe in Shinto and worship graven images as well.”

The disaster on March 11 which caused a string of other blows such as the tsunami and the damage inflicted on the four nuclear reactors in Fukushima prefecture is an evidence of God’s anger, he said.

During a related Bible Exposition, Bro. Eli Soriano answered an inquiry about disasters, citing the verses Job 9:5-6 and Psalms 104:32, describing God as the “earth shaker and mountain mover.” The tsunami is recorded in Amos 9:6, although differently worded. On the other hand, similar disasters such as typhoons, tropical storms, and cyclones are described in Jeremiah 25:32.

Just as he was about to end his sermon in MCGI’s weekly Thanksgiving service on March 19, Bro. Eli received news from the coordinating center in Tokyo that an earthquake had just occurred, and that the brethren inside the worship house had to step out for a while for safety.

The Presiding Minister also cautioned all to prepare for and remember that natural disasters are acts of God and are an evidence of His wrath. He said, “In all these disasters occurring, I rest my trust and faith in the Almighty Who will save and spare His servants.”

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bro. Eli refutes claim that 90% of scientists are atheists

By Robert Clarita

“Ninety percent of scientists are atheists.” This is the claim of an atheist that Bro. Eli Soriano, an international preacher, had refuted during the “Ang Dating Daan” Bible Exposition held at Batangas, Philippines on February 8, 2011.

Gerome Almodovar of Rationals and Darwinians of Nasugbu, Batangas had attempted to hold debate with Bro. Eli, the Presiding Minister of Members Church of God International (MCGI). When it was his turn to ask question, Almodovar challenged the preacher with his belief that evolution is a fact and that 90% of scientists are atheists.

Bro. Eli addressed his opponent’s claim, challenging him to produce and show to the people the reference where he got the figure.

“I do not like to waste your time and that of others. My reference is in the computer at the computer shop (café).” This was the answer of the Darwinian atheist.

 According to Encyclopedia Britannica, with their study “Worldwide Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas, Mid-1995”, there are 219,925,000 of atheists from 139 countries against 5,496,500,000 of adherents of religious faith or 3.8% from the total number that is 5,716,425,000.

Narrowing down the demography, a survey conducted by an American Psychologist, James Leuba in 1914 revealed that there are some 42% non-believers in God. By 1933, the same survey conducted by Leuba stated that 56% are non-believers. In 1998, an American Historian, Edward Larson conducted the survey using the same template created by Leuba, and it stated that 45% are non-believers.

These figures covered the “All Scientists” demography of the conducted survey. In an examination of the survey conducted by Leuba, it was revealed that selected participants were known as having no-religious affiliations, while some were agnostics. Leuba had counted having no-religious affiliation as atheism or non-believers. Even then, the claim that 90% of scientists are atheists is uncertain.   

Bible writes of Foreknowledge

Bro. Eli underscored the existence of foreknowledge that is present in the Bible that cannot be explained by atheism or science.   

He stated that the Bible has the foreknowledge of technology and microbiology long before men witnessed the realization.

“It is some sort of advance knowledge. The Bible calls it ‘foreknowledge’. The Bible states, as far back as 1,600 years ago, that knowledge will increase (Daniel 12:4). Scientific knowledge was not yet written then. But now we are witnessing that. That is my basis why I am saying someone has spoken of it. There is a being that has knowledge of what is going to happen in the future, and that is God.”

Bro. Eli gave technology as an example of the manifestation of foreknowledge. “With people during the time of Daniel, when he wrote the prophesy, it didn’t occur to them that the cellphone will be invented, as well as the satellite and space station . . . It’s a foreknowledge - a knowledge that is ahead of time.”

He also cited the discovery of bacteria, viruses, and of antibiotics and explained that those were not yet known by Science but were already forewarned by the Bible to the people.

“We didn’t come from Apes”

The preacher had then brought the discussion profoundly to science. “If you are to study microbiology, you will never believe that we came from apes.” Bro. Eli cited the scientific fact about the gene having a very strict substance through its designed number and information that dictates the physical form of a being. He also emphasized that there’s a great difference in the genes and DNA of the apes and of men.

At the discourse of the subject, Bro. Eli let Bro. Daniel Razon, Vice-Presiding Minister of MCGI read an excerpt from a research journal, stating that with primates, 1% to 2% difference in DNA already represents 80 million different nucleotides if compared to the 3 to 4 billion nucleotides that make up the human genome.

Bro. Eli then affirmed the scientific fact about genes with the knowledge written by St. Paul in his book I Corinthians 16:39 “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.”

“This is what St. Paul had written 2,000 years ago. Science was not yet developed, human anatomy was unknown yet, but the Bible already stated that flesh of men, beasts, birds, and fishes are different from one another. Can any scientist refute that?” Bro. Eli said.

In due course, Bro. Eli challenged Almodovar about the atheists’ claim of the alleged “missing link” to prove the evolution theory. However Almodovar failed to provide a straightforward answer or evidence. Bro. Eli then read before the audience an article, “The Top 25 Crimes of the century” that was published in Time Magazine about the missing link being a hoax.


Eoanthropus dawsoni was the scientific name of this alleged missing link, and it would have been an extremely early example of a creature showing both human and apelike qualities. At 375,000 years old, it put England in contention for a cradle of humankind, being found in the Sussex town of Piltdown. The "first Englishman" he was proudly called when the anthropologist Charles Dawson found him in 1911. For decades, Piltdown Man was cited along with Neanderthal man and Heidelberg man as an example of early hominid life in Europe. Then in 1953, the fragments, including a jawbone, were tested: they did not contain enough fluorine to be the age that Dawson claimed; worse, the jawbone was that of a 10-year-old orangutan, its teeth ground down to simulate age, and a crude chemical wash applied to the bone to make it appear ancient. No one knows who perpetrated the hoax: Dawson had died in 1916. Very quickly, however, Piltdown became a synonym for phony; and England's claim to antiquity was cut short by several hundred thousand years.”
“Do not speak lies in my program. This is the most informative religious program in the United States of America. Remember that. That’s why I won’t let you speak of any foolishness in my program.” Bro. Eli reminded Almodovar for claiming of something yet failed to produce his proof.

The Old Path or “Ang Dating Daan” in its Filipino title was awarded The Most Informative Religious Program by Gawad Amerika Awards in 2006. Bro. Eli was awarded as well as the Most Educational to Follow by Mashables’ Open Web Award in 2009 through his official blog,

The Ang Dating Daan Bible Exposition is held every Tuesday in the Philippines with live coverage via the internet thru

Ang Dating Daan is in its 30 years of broadcast and currently being aired in UNTV. Its international counterpart, The Old Path, is also being broadcast in various countries with recent additions in India, Uruguay, Argentina, and Bolivia.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Man’s Law Enforcers get best advice from God’s Law Enforcer

By Robert Clarita

Although he is being defamed in his own country with wrong reports and alleged accusations, some 77 policemen from Pasig City still chose to listen to Bro. Eliseo Soriano of “Ang Dating Daan.” Some of the police in the unit who attended the February 8, 2011 Bible Exposition had become inquirers to personally ask the preacher.

“I would say to you law enforcers, that you should believe that there is God. Learn to fear the Lord,” Bro. Eli said, addressing the policemen.

He then read the book of Luke 3:14,

"And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, and what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages."

“That’s what the Lord said to the law enforcers of man, through John the Baptist. ‘Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.”

In a different light, Bro. Eli sympathizes with the condition of the police officers in the country. He expressed his grievances for them with the “injustice” system that has been long plagued the country way back from previous administrations.

“I sympathize with you, those police in low ranks, how low your salary is. Sad but true, low ranking police’s lives are in danger at the roads. You inhale the smoke of vehicles, you risk your lives, yet the pay is puny.”

Bro. Eli enumerated the employees in the country that needed much salary.

“The nurses who work hard at the hospitals. The police officers on the roads, sleepless, exposed to the criminals, and are being thrown to with bombs by the rebels. The keepers of the nation whose lives and their families’ are being threatened. They are the ones whose wages should be raised.”

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has reported that in 2009, crime rate has reached up to 63% compared to those in the previous years. The total figure recorded by that year was 101, 798 crimes, with 61.26% of the total as robbery, murder, and other offences against persons, while 38.74% was of the total are crimes against poverty.

Although by half of the 2010, the crime rate percentage was reported to have dropped to almost 70% compared to 2009 report, the risk for the police of being exposed to dangers with the criminals is still high due to the nature of their work.

“I hope you remain honest as you go on with your duty even with low salary. Nevertheless, there is blessing of God in the future, my brother policemen,” Bro. Eli added.

The Ang Dating Daan host further said, “Police’s perspective should be that they are servants of the public; preserver of law and order, and are protectors of the rights of the people. They are not oppressors of the people.”

Ang Dating Daan Bible Exposition is continuously being held every Tuesday with different venues even as far as international shores. Bro. Eli Soriano can be followed in his internet broadcast through and, also with his 2009 Mashable’s Most Educational to Follow blog, He can also be consulted personally through his Twitter account,